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Monday, April 16, 2007

Full Disclosure of Paid Links

Following Matt's advice on paid links I've looked at this blog to reveal sneaky commercial links, although nobody really likes this idea.

I'm pretty sure that I never got paid for posting, so there was just the sidebar to check. I found a couple of links leading to articles I wrote with both educational and commercial intent as well. I consider these valuable resources so there's no need to report or nofollow them.

Next in the "What I read" section I didn't find a suitable procedure to report that "Books, tons of books" includes commercial stuff like database manuals and other publications with a clearly commercial message. I paid for all these books ... sigh.

Ok, next the blogroll. Again, all links point to good resources, nothing to report. Under the search box there's a link to Technorati which I can't nofollow because it's put by Technorati's script. Technorati sends me traffic, I use Technorati for research, so probably this link is fine and counts as honest recommendation, although it functions as a traffic deal too.

Checking the "Links and Folks" section I found a not that related link pointing to bikes for sale at OCC. Well, I really like OCC bikes, and this is my personal blog, so why shouldn't I link out to a resource unrelated to search and Web development? Hmmmm ... perhaps I should ask Google for permission to dofollow this somewhat commercial link before I receive a free bike in return.

Next the "Ads by Google" links are fine, because they're put client sided and even the Googlebot executing JavaScript knows that everything in a block of code containing an AdSense publisher code is auto-nofollow'ed by definition.

Both the MBL widget as well as the Twitter badge are put client sided, plus both were free of commercial links, at least last time I looked. End of sidebar, I didn't find serious fodder for a paid link report, could that be true?

Wait ... I missed the header, and luckily there's a big fat paid link:

With this link I pay Google for Blogger's services and hosting, and it is not nofollow'ed. Dammit, I can't nofollow it myself, so here's my paid links spam report:

paidlinks spam report

Ok, seriously I think that Google can discount commercial links because that's how Google's cookie crumbles. And I perfectly understand that Matt asks for a few samples of paid links Google has not yet discovered to fine tune Google's algos. However, I fear that this call for paid-links-spam-reports will result in massive abuse of the form I use to report webspam that really annoys me because it disturbs my search results. I'm happy that it's pretty easy to filter out abusive reports filed to damage a competitor's rankings marked with "paidlinks" once Matt's team has collected enough examples.

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Update: Read Rae Hoffman's full disclosure too!

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  • At Monday, April 16, 2007, Blogger Sebastian said…

    To post this I had to upgrade to Google-accounts including a script update, so the top image differs from the old version and it is linked to now.

  • At Monday, April 16, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    If you want, I'll submit a spamreport reporting you too. :) Anything to help you and Matt out.

  • At Monday, April 16, 2007, Blogger Sebastian said…

    John, I'd appreciate your help! I'm dreadful busy scanning the blospot server reporting each and every blog having that inserted header because it's not redirecting to a buy viagra page ;)


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