Sebastian's Pamphlets

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Friday, July 13, 2007

Sphinn rocks

Thanks to Danny's crew we've got a promising search geek community site. Since I've recently started to deal with invites, here is the top secret link where you get your free Sphinn invite. Click it now and join today, as Gorbachev said 'those who are late will be punished by life itself' ;)

Previous experiments revealed that my pamphlets aren't diggworthy, despite the presence of OL/UL lists. Because I mention search and stuff like that every once in a while, I decided to submit a horror story to Sphinn to test the waters over there.

Adding Sphinn-it! widgets to my posts hopefully helps promoting Sphinn, but with Blogger that turned into kinda nightmare. To prevent you from jumping through infinite try-and-error hoops, here is how it works:

Classic templates:

Search for $BlogItemBody$ and below the </div> put

<script type='text/javascript'>submit_url='<$BlogItemPermalinkUrl$>';</script>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/></script>

(Blogger freaks out when you omit the non-standard ;</script> after the self-closing second tag, hence stick with the intentional syntax error.)

Newish templates:

Check "Expand Widget Templates"

Search for data:post.body/ and below the </p> put

<b:if cond='data:post.url'>
<p><script type='text/javascript'>submit_url='<data:post.url/>';</script>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/></p>

(After saving the changes Blogger replaces some single quotes with HTML entities, but it works though. Most probably one could do that in a more elegant way, but once I saw the badges pointing to the correct URL --both in the posts and on the main page-- I gave up.)

Have fun sphinning my posts!

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